ACADA Educational Workshops Classroom Series

The ACADA Educational Workshops Classroom Series is brought to you by:

As a part of the growing relationship between DEFSEC Atlantic and our Presenting Partner, the Atlantic Canada Aerospace & Defence Association (ACADA), we are starting an Educational Workshops Classroom Series during the event. Association members and industry participants will benefit from smaller group presentations and the chance to take a deeper dive into topics that may not have broad appeal, but are critical to segments of our industry.

Attendees are able to register for these sessions using their individual login into our Online Registration Web Platform. The same way you are able to "build your itinerary" for our event using the system, you can now choose "ADD TO ITINERARY" for any of these workshops and that will automatically enroll you to attend that session. Where the registration for these sessions is "first come, first served", we ask that you only choose to add a sessions if you are committing to attend it for sure. We want to maximize participation and minimize the no-show factor for all of these workshops.

Your registration must be completed and active, and you can then follow these simple steps listed below:

  1.  The direct login URL to access your registration for this year is:
  2. Enter your credentials to log into your registration profile.
    If you forgot your password, you can reset it using the link on the page or if you have trouble, you can call our Registration Team for assistance.
    The team can be reached by e-mail at or by phone at +1 (902) 982-6985.
  3. Once you are logged in, click on the tab labelled ITINERARY and then click on the button labelled CHOOSE SESSIONS.
  4. You will see the title "ACADA Educational Workshop Classroom Series" in the list, click on it to expand it out and see the 4 workshop options.
  5. You can view more detailed information on each particular sessions by clicking on the READ MORE button beside each workshop title.
  6. If you decide you would like to attend the workshop, you will either see a button that says ADD TO ITINERARY that you can click on or if the session is filled, you will see SESSION FULL and below that a button that says ADD TO WAITLIST.
  7. Click on the appropriate button to add yourself into the session or if interested but the session is full, add yourself to the waitlist. it is important to note that the waitlist is controlled by the Show organizers and is not automatic. So if you have added yourself to one or more waitlists, we suggest that you periodically check in to see if you have been confirmed for the session or not before it takes place.
  8. If at any point you cannot attend a session, we request you proceed to this step and click on the REMOVE button that will be visible beside the title, so that someone else might be able to attend.
  9. Once you are on-site at DEFSEC Atlantic, just before the time of the session(s) you are attending, go to the Check-In Desk just outside Room 201 on the Argyle Level of the Halifax Convention Centre to let them know you are there for that particular session. Please note that if you are not registered for the session within our system, you will not be permitted to attend it.

If you require assistance registering for the ACADA Educational Workshops Classroom Series, please contact